Gamified Popup

Gamified popups help visitors to have a fun experience on the website. Visit Popupfox to learn more about gamified popups and more!

Gamified Popup

Gamified Popup

Gamification is a concept that started to be named after the growing game industry, and the power of games became clearer, and their impact on human motivation was noticed. Gamification, which has recently become popular in popups, makes them much more enjoyable. Contrary to popular belief, gamified popups are rather simple to create.

Gamified popups can serve many purposes and generate higher conversion rates than standard popups. Also, when visitors come across gamified popups, they are far more likely to offer their email addresses or subscribe to the website.

Since adults have been playing many games, a much more entertaining popup can be created by appealing to people of all ages. Gamified popups offer an interactive way of communicating with visitors, based on standard popups to obtain information or promote a product. With gamified popups, special offers such as coupons or free shipping reach visitors more effectively. Thus, a considerably higher engagement with visitors can be achieved with such popups.