4 Effective Pop-Up Advertising Strategies

Pop-up advertising is great for conversions. Visit our blog to increase your convertion rates with 4 effective pop-up advertising strategies!

4 Effective Pop-Up Advertising Strategies

4 Effective Pop-Up Advertising Strategies

When you enter a website, scroll through the site, or just as you're about to leave the site, a pop-up window that suddenly pops may be annoying. However, contrary to popular belief, pop-up advertising is a highly effective online marketing method.

In this article, we will discuss pop-up types and marketing strategies where pop-up advertising is effective while answering the questions 'What is pop-up advertising?' and 'Do pop-up ads work?'.

What Is Pop-Up Ad?

Pop-up advertising is the method used in many areas, such as turning the visitor into a lead, obtaining an e-mail list, encouraging sales. They nudge visitors to take action as they would not on a static web page. Pop-ups can be frustrating for those familiar with the internet world, but when used correctly, they work. As mentioned, pop-up ads are marketing strategies that work, although annoying.

The basic logic of a pop-up ad is based on opening a new window independent of that page when any page is loaded. The dimensions of this pop-up that opens are variable, and there is no standard in this regard. Pop-ups are usually created on websites by inserting them into their HTML code. Although this method of the pop-up ad, which is frequently used among marketing strategies, seems annoying, it is a method that works for advertisers.

Pop-ups are advertisements in the form of banners that automatically open in a separate browser window when you visit a web page. The minor pop-up will position itself over the website's content. Usually, a pop-up ad can be closed with a simple mouse click.

What Are Pop-Up Types?

Popup have a wide range of applications. Accordingly, pop-ups are divided into different types. Here are the most commonly used types of pop-up ads:

Clickable Pop-ups: These are windows that users can interact with and therefore have a high conversion rate. Clicks on these windows can be enhanced to help provide users with relevant, attractive details about products or campaigns.

Questionnaire Pop-ups: They can get user opinions on a specific issue. They can have a simple structure such as “yes/no", and more comprehensive surveys can be arranged in this way.

Gamified Pop-ups: This type of pop-up ads attract visitors' attention with their design and content. In this way, people who have a closer relationship with the site, brand, or products tend to buy more.

Scrolling Pop-ups: Not every pop-up has to have a direct window view. Scrolling pop-up windows appear to users by scrolling from any page part. Such designs attract attention with their original structures.

Full-Screen Pop-ups: They are one of the most common types of pop-ups. They are displayed to fill the entire browser window. Today, it is a digital marketing application that users usually approach at a distance.

Informative Pop-ups: They aim to inform the visitors about the company's status, site, products, services, or campaigns. Applications that aim to take action can also be evaluated in this category.

Redirect to Page Pop-ups: These pop-up ads allow a specific page to be opened with a click. They are beneficial for pages where e-commerce sites include products with a discount.

Promotion Pop-ups: Promotions can be announced through these windows. The visitor, who encounters such news when they enter the site, will respond positively to the situation and take advantage of this opportunity. In addition to promotional announcements, coupon codes that provide discounts can also be shared in this way.

Effective Pop-Up Advertising Strategies

Exit Pricing Page Pop-Up

It's a fact that people who visit your pricing page tend to buy. But there may be an issue that they get stuck in a while in the decision process. Using a call-to-action pop-up offering a trial in exchange for answering some questions may be a logical move.

Extra Content Pop-Ups

You can offer extra content to visitors with the help of a pop-up ad. How this is done is essential. Instead of filling out this form on a separate web page for extra content, delivering this form directly on the website as a click-through pop-up can increase conversion rates.

Welcome Suggestions

You can create unique pop-up advertising for first-time visitors. These pop-ups may be about discounts, coupons, or gifts that lead to shopping, or they may be on request for visitors' e-mails in exchange for gifts or discounts to stay in touch. Welcome suggestion pop-ups can also offer a free trial of a product.

Exit Intent Pop-Up

Another effective online marketing method is building an e-mail list. This pop-up window appears when the user is about to leave the website. At this point, you have to make them a final offer they can't refuse. The last offer should include your most valuable resources. When visitors see this offer, they should understand that these resources cannot be found elsewhere.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pop-Ups

Content pulled through pop-ups usually has a much higher conversion rate than content that appears on the website as a classic banner ad. For this reason, pop-up advertising is frequently preferred in online marketing.

Despite its undeniable benefits, it can still be observed that internet users automatically close a pop-up. This is especially true when it comes to intrusive ads. Even with the add-ons added to the search engines, the pop-up window may not open at all. These risks should also be considered when using pop-up ads in digital marketing.

Do Pop-Up Ads Work?

The purpose of online marketing is to make the visitors who enter the website take any action following the site's product sales, subscription, or purpose. Pop-ups are a multifunctional tool that can help convert website traffic into marketing opportunities.

Creating Subscribers: A pop-up subscribe form is an effective online marketing strategy to make subscribers. It allows to grow the mailing list, build relationships with the target audience via email, and accelerate the buyer's journey.

Promoting Specific Content: Although the primary purpose of pop-ups is to generate leads, whatever is desired about the page the visitor is on can be upgraded with this digital marketing trick. In this way, the content that the website owner wants to highlight comes to the forefront without any extra effort.

Reducing Site Abandonment: This metric shows how quickly a user leaves the site. Many marketers use a pop-up asking to share an email address, phone number, or other information to reduce the bounce rate. This type of pop-up advertising usually appears when a user is about to close the tab or leave the website.